Saturday, October 12, 2013

End of classical ERA

Wasim Akram : Nobody can move the ball better than him, and his never missing Yorker is surely missed.

Brian Lara: Still i can consider him the best test batsman with his unorthodox style.

Shaun Pollock: A very decent paceman with credibilty of leading the south african attack successfully .

Murlidharan: Deadly spinner of the ball.

Shane Warne: Can turn the ball on any surface

Glenn Mcgrath: The best PaceMan of the Era. The consistency unparalleled.

Steve Waugh: He is the Man who made the Australian team of 90s and the 2000s. All the Credit for being the Best of captains

Hansie Cronje: May be he couldn't win the world cup but he was the one who never let the Australian  ride the smooth road. A perfect cricketer omitting the match fixing case

Anil Kumble: having least of the spinning ability, still managed to achieve the 619 wicket haul.

Michcael Bevan: The best finisher of the game.

Jhonty Rhodes: the best athlete the cricket has witnessed

Adam Gilchrist: one the most devastating keeper batsman of the cricket. Changed the view about keeper and Opener.

Andy Flower: The zimbabwean Lion who denied the test playing nation an easier win.

Courtney Walsh: the last of west indian bowling greats.

Saurav Ganguly: The most aggressive captain seen. He was the Man who turn around the view of cricketing world on India

Rahul Dravid: The batsman with class apart, Respect is the word. My critic favourite.

Matthew Hayden: Clean hitter of the ball. None of the formats let him stay behind. 

Ricky Ponting: He was the man whocan turn any match in his team favour.

& last but the best

Sachin Tendulkar: He is the personality who changed the Cricket & That's enough about him.

We will all miss the legendary cricketing heroics of the above. RIP , the classical ERA

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hope against the ODDs......

Within the economic tantrums, the few steps what the govt can go for, according to me

* Shell out Foreign exchange reserves : Countries make forex reserves for these purpose only. India is in news for enhancing it's For-Ex reserve to 278 billion $. When the economy is at brink of disaster we can go for usage of this reserve. This can hold this rupee depreciation for a while.

* Temporary hike in  import duty on High end gadgets : Let the cost of the non-essential things go high. A costlier Audi,BMW, Porshe, Smartphones, Imported food and beverages(costly scotch and wines), has nothing to harm economy. And all of certain it can send some warning message to outside world. Economy may be run by the top end percentage of the population. But it stands due to the spending by the other side of this percentage.

*Trade with mutual currency else than the common one: This can be the perfect step for the time being to stabilize economy in the current scenario. The dent, high price of dollar is making can be neutralized. Else than that, this can be the relation booster between the countries, helping the cause of mutual understanding. We can give software, manufacturing, Service solutions etc. to the middle east in exchange of oil. We can also go for the loop of countries going for this solution.

*Research and development: And this is what, where we are late. We are suppose to be on Fast track than being trackless. A lot of sum is being spent on transfer of technology from the developed world, hence causing a huge crater for economy. Significant amount of priority in the field of R&D has to setup to make things visible in the positive direction. Budgetary allocation should have significant contribution towards and should be given wide coverage.

*Common People: The last being the common people, understand your value, we are the major chunk of consumers. We can go for made in India product, helping the Indian firms grow Big. We are the part of largest democracy  which is seems to be hanging without support. This is time when we are supposed to go against the selfish agenda of corrupt political world. Leaving apart the ill economic and biased communal policies, the fight should be for the development and the peace. If we could have gone for the infrastructural and the manufacturing development, there won't had be a need for MNREGA and Food Security Bill. Give it a thought earned food is much better and respectable than the freebies(why?).

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ungenuine emotion for genuine gujarat

why NAMO has become such a hugely published name as a doer in media, (+ve in social media which rates high in emotional parameters and -ve in the other type of media which is losing the credibility of communicator to the mass instead they have become manipulators). May be due to shown or told good things he has performed(incredible Gujarat) or just GODHRA riots was enough to make him reach this far. let's talk about the Godhra riots total calamities,(according to wiki) its was 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus. Again moving on let's forget about the Hindus, since nobody cares about them. So altogether whole issue is about the 790 Muslims being massacred. Four times this nos. , the children die each year due to hunger,  

more than 120 times this nos is the fatality due to road accident.

thousands of people are dying due to the smoking, alcohol consumption and similar type of habbits. Thousand of people die every year due to natural calamities( rare Uttarakhand flood or the very common floods in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Assam) which doesn't seem natural, this accounts for the gross errors what we have performed to disturb the nature. The data for the people died due to inaccessibility to the necessities is even gruesome.

Altogether lakhs of people die very ungenuine Death every year. So the point is we need to give sizable coverage to the above mentioned issue. Riots happens, for a emotional country of 1 billions  , it’s very easy to provoke a section of people, but the splendid thing what Gujarat has done is, Instead of looking for political package of relief for the riots, they are eliminating the possibility of any further riots. Literacy and development are tools which are helping. They have created an environment which make them different from rest of the India. We need to comeout of the that Godhra thing. The ugly instance are better to forget and the remedy should be the elimination to avoid those.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Remember, In early years of the first decade of millenium, their was a vision generated among us(we Bharatvasi) of India becoming the superpower(developed) by 2020. and by the end of NDA regime the vision became a very familiar affair to the people & people started believing about being developed by 2020. With winning of commonwealth games bid, mega golden quadrilateral, east-west & north-south corridor project, ambitious river joining project, ease of tax structure & reduction of surcharges on basic commodities, Sarva siksha abhiyan, growing foreign currency deposit, high speed expressways, strong presence of India in UN and among top nations of the planet, creation and transformation of educational institute for center of excellence etc. were seemingly very strong reason to believe in vision 2020 for enormous potential young people's country. the river joining project have done a lot for states suffering the yearly floods and could have proved boon to the drought ridden states. water treaties and water related issued might have vanished. the mega highway project was quiet able to reduce the consumption of liquid gold and hence lots money. in addition it could have created a lakhs of jobs(hence fulfilling the objective of MNREGA which is consuming 44000 crores of INR yearly for nothing). atleast india could have made a good position in infrastructural terms. the easing of tax structure could have lessen the pain of current inflation. the valuation of the brands in education certainly more easier and less dearer. the nuclear treaty made us to accept all the terms & conditions of associate countries for investment in India, letting domestic companies to fight for their space. still 25% of population is illiterate & less than 40% people continue higher studies. more than 30% people are still finding it difficult to earn a two time meal. the 2G spectrum scam, Commonwealth games corruption, adarsh scam are making the scenario even worse. altogether the vision 2020 seems blurred and at that this point impossible to achieve.i can't say all of sudden we have lost the hope of vision 2020 but its now seems to be a distant dream. if somebody says that still we have eight years left, then the point is where is the base for the development. we don't have good road networks, railways is performing mind-blowing, never you can assume to reach a destination safely and on time. still most of tier 2 cities or emerging cities don't have good air connectivity and their is no near future master plan. the education institutes have shown degradation in recent years. even IISc bangalore our top institute for research isn't able to stand-up the expectation of 1.21 billions people nation. than it sounds next to impossible for us to become a develop nation by 2020. sorry our than prime minister & president, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and APJ Abdul Kalam. we couldn't keep up your expectation...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Common man saying com’on mr prime minister.....

India achieved the GDP rate of 7.4 , greater than the expected 7.2 in the financial year 2009-10 ,that too in the time when the most of the largest economies are still fighting the great recession . Kudos to our PM Manmohan Singh , thanks to his rare skills in the economics . But do the common man cares what this GDP is telling ? Does it really concern the common people ? or is this GDP making their life a bit easier ? The answer is the big NO .

Let this GDP be the greatest achievement of our Finance minister Mr. Pranab dada, seems to be the most happy person on the planet . But what to do with this GDP when the general people finds it difficult to buy the full ration for his family. does it make a common person happy who travels by public transport after declaration of surge of 10 % in automobile sector .Instead they will curse the fuel price rise which makes their daily destination more costlier with the pay scale being same (siding six pay scale revision for the govt. employees) .will like to highlight the statement of dada in his budget speech “'Aam admi' is the focus of all our programmes and schemes . on one hand Mamta Banerjee reduced the the freights rates for the essential food commodity in order to help to reduce prices and parallel ly our finance minster in his budget instead of extending the support to the Mamta’s initiation, increased the prises of petrol and diesel . i mean stop using the aam aadmi for the political benifits .our finance minister should understand that the common man doesn’t need the reduction of prices of tech gadgets . what they need is the easy food , cheaper clothes and enough shelter just to accommodate on earth .

Price rise is at its peak of all time .The prices of all commodities of basic needs have risen to the factor of more than two to three. Rice which was the most favoured food of the major part country is becoming too far from the mouth .every food commodities right from the cereals to vegetables have become 100 -200 % costlier in previous three four years . Sugar prises has almost tripled in recent years , when our agricultural minister was asked about the same , he replied ”nothing would happen if people does not eat sugar also it causes diabetes ” what an answer from the agricultural minister .Is this the mimicry show . Should a agricultural minister of the agricultural country give such an irresponsible comments. when a country is not in surplus position she shouldn’t encourage the export of the food commodities ,instead import should be the option to mobilize the price rise . Also the shortage isn’t the complete reason for the surging of prises rather its the black-marketing (forced shortage) done by the retailers and suppliers . A simple price restriction law can be the best option with the government deciding the rate according to the market scenario. A advice to mr Powar , “ take away some time from the BCCI office and give it to the ministry, the prise will come down for sure “ and stop making excuse by declaring the monsoon the sole responsible for the inflation . Yes a bad monsoon can affect the price for a year or two ,but not for the continuous period of four-five years .

Com’on Mr. Prime minister where are u? Economist of your calibre is expected to take the country out of this situation . atleast do for the sake of your promises made during elections ”congress kaa haath aam aadmi ke saath”.PLZ

Saturday, April 10, 2010

13th February ,2010  location German bakery in Pune ,Maharashtra  a terrorist bomb blast , 17 killed (later 3 more casualties  at hospital) .26th -29th November ,2008  various locations  in Mumbai ,a coordinated attacks by terrorists at least 200 dead .These are some of the recent terrorist attack in India. When we look at the naxalite attack , In 2008 &2009  approximate  1950 killed in various naxalite incident . More than 6000+ people have died in last decade .The most recent one being the massacre of armed police force in Dantewada , Chhattisgarh killing 76 jawans. So ,should  it be termed as the  inside terrorism posing a  greater security threat before the nation than the foreign sponsored cross border terrorism . At least data confirms.

          The Naxalite led massacres , kidnappings , extortion threats , etc has increased  significantly in recent years .Frequent strikes being called by them has caused huge economic loss & has resulted  in the negative development  in the red belt.In last few months  they almost stunned everyone by hijacking the trains including one of the safest “Rajdhani Express”  .Their aim according to statement issued by government   include , to uproot the Indian democracy by 2050. With these motto they seems  to be highly ambitious and destructive  .This naxalite  movement which was  originated in West Bengal in 1960s and  later spreading in Andhra Pradesh , Chhattisgarh , Jharkhand , Bihar & Odissa  .These areas are  generally  the one which  are economically mostbackward & least developed for the long time .The literacy rate in these areas are one the lowest in the country & accordingly a significant reason for the red terror .The Naxalite are also said to have the links with  ISI which is said to be the suppliers of arms to revolt against the democracy, making the situation more concerning . The home ministry under Mr.  P.Chidambaram is being considered as the one of best in its own . Thanks to our capable home minister .But still we aren’t safe enough than ever .waking up from the naxalite incidents the home ministry  department  launched  “the operation Green hunt” in the red  belt to  curb naxalites  after the failed  attempt of negotiations  between the naxals and the government .But instead of harming them our 76 jawans died being attacked by the maoist more than 1000 in number  in Dantewada , Chhattishgarh . A big question to “operation  green hunt”  arising the questions of the preparation  and planning for this operation .Are the armed police force trained enough to fight guerrilla war with naxalites.  Is our intelligence agency  is capable  enough to prevent all these. If not then why we are risking all those life of jawans which are made to fight the maoist who rules the roost of jungles . And also wouldn’t the innocent peoples affected by this operation under the influence of Maoists wil engage themselves in the battle against the administration ?.Also if it is needed to curb  them by force , Shouldn’t we prepare in a better way enhancing our police personals with the better fighting equipments .

              Again ,reviewing the initial stage  failures  of “operation green hunt” , a question arises ,is gun battle adequate to stop naxals? . The red belt had been deprived of the development , seems as the main reason of their  upliftment  against the government  and  administration. Previously when naxalite movement  was at its peak in  Andhra Pradesh , the development  in Andhra Pradesh resulted the lowering of the naxals movement in the state & shifting of base  to the Chhattisgarh &Odissa . So why  don’t there should be series of development  programmes in these affected areas . Our parliament remains  busy in passing the  this and that reservation bills ,why not government should come up with the special development bill for the naxal affected areas , presenting a light of hope for the people in the red belt . They don’t have good road network, poverty & malnutrition still persists in the region,  the children lacks the school, not enough employment opportunity  (instead of region being the wealthiest in terms of ore and minerals), the administrative negligence , etc. Which all are responsible for this. The road network  will help the armed personals to check the Maoists .The education schemes will reduce the difference between them and the urbane.also it will prevent them being influenced by naxalite  anti-nation  thinking .  The  government should stress  on programmes making  them back in the main stream society . War has never been a solution to the problem so lets fight it intelligently and hope for the new prosperous dawn to start from .


Friday, March 26, 2010

Education system of india quelling the creativeness of the children...

1.2 billion of population , 1/6th of total world population , home to many of the initial education model & universities , but still we have such a less no of Nobel prize to our credit .Even if somebody gets , they are found to be working outside the country . what is the reason? Or do it concern our overall development .why?

                                             Is our education  system adequate enough to reach our 2020 vision of a developed nation ? Are we justifying our so called largest youth population of the world ? No , the damn transparent no .  Indian education has got itself   packed within the text books hampering  the growth of creative minds and hence the development of the country. In 64th year of our independence , we still lack in practical application of the education .The education curriculum doesn’t allow the budding  youth to enter into the world of invention and creation .We still rely in reverse engineering ,  rather than focusing on research  and development .Our corporate giants are still dependent on the foreign technologies , be it maruti Suzuki  or hero Honda nearly all of them. 

Its not that Indian student population isn't interested in creation and invention . Instead we aren't having that sort of facility and motivation .Person who wants to go in research field isn’t facilitated enough to continue with his ideas . The government announces crores of scholarship for the research works , but it doesn’t tries enough to make it reachable . We lack good institutions  . Also there is a huge gap of quality education between the top institution and that of the others. Today , the sole motto of education has become to complete the course  , have the degree and get a good job with handsome salary . This temperament of the education system has created a huge gap between the demand and  actual numbers of the teachers available .This is not only the case of teacher, there is good difference in the number of seat available and the no of deserving  applicants . In desperate attempt government is  opening numbers  of institutions , but again we lack the quality  teachers . Still our 35% of the population are out of reach of education . If we  consider education proportional to the development ,  this means their is the nil % of development from this part of the country.  

             The system needs certain reformation, the curriculum are needed to be made research oriented and practical application are required to be introduced .The syllabus should undergo regular peroidic revision .The status of the various institutions  should have a frequent accredition checks & stricts actions should be made against the case of voilation of the rules. Independent & efficient commitee  need to be in their to look after such matters . The encouragement of research & development should be made at the national level. The government should ask the corporate  sector  to look after the scenario and extend their hand for the country’s honour .more and more research and development centres should  be established .  we need a change and we should start with primary stage and within ourselves...